Twice-flooded Orlando-area homeowner gives up, sells house through FEMA program [Central Florida]

Twice-flooded Orlando-area homeowner gives up, sells house through FEMA program [Central Florida]

I just watched my house get destroyed for the third time in five years.

This time for good, devoured one crunching bite at a time by a big yellow track hoe until nothing was left but crumbs of stucco and concrete.

I guess I should have been happy to see it demolished, after all it has put me through. But it was a bit more like watching Old Yeller get put down — you know it had to be done, but it still puts a lump in your throat.

This house I once loved had a fatal flaw. It sat 9 inches lower than any other house in one of the lowest neighborhoods in flood-prone DeBary. It’s easy to conclude now that it never should have been built. Hurricane Jeanne and Tropical Storm Fay made that clear.